Your Photos and Copyright

An Opinion piece by Michael C. Lam

Over the last few years I’ve learned some things about the images I produce through photography and the copyright laws that help to protect them, I am by no means a lawyer nor expert on this topic.  This article is based upon what I have learned through discussions, reading and research; the topics are touchy, they are complicated at times, and the simple explanations that I try to give in no way covers Copyright completely. Continue reading


Critique of the finalists for “GP Challenge #18 – Night”

by Salim October

We begin with the Honourable Mentions.

Honourable Mention:  The Moon by Marc Kersting


The Moon - Marc Kersting

The Moon aptly captures one of the key element to our survival.  There is no doubt that this is a night image at all as it shows the moon in one of its many phases. Its almost central location makes it unexciting to the viewer and, due to the fact that millions of images exist

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People of Guyana

The original idea for this challenge was borrowed from an idea that Nikhil Ramkarran had for a long-term project of a similar title, his idea had more depth, but we were hesitant to add anything else to the challenge in fear that we would daunt some of the photographers.

Although a few sections of society are missing from the ensemble, the variety submitted was intriguing and entertaining, as much as it was enlightening and fulfilling in their photographic diversity.

The winning entry:

Brian Gomes’ “Amerindian Girl”

Brian Gomes Amerindian Girl


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Guyana Photographers’ Yellow Challenge (Challenge #16).  This challenge was not only well received by members, but the quality of images was good overall, and as one of the judges, I’ve decided to do a short review.

Ideally, there should be a review of the images in each challenge, at least of the finalists that are sent to the judges, but given that most of us are working stiffs, the ideal is seldom attainable. Given the amazing images that were entered into the Yellow challenge, I wanted to make some time for a brief review of this challenge.

We are not professionals, so the opinions expressed are merely that of peers and is based on our own experiences in photography and in judging photography.

I know that we may come under fire for some of the comments but we will make them nonetheless.  We begin with the winning photo…

Yellow - Khadija Benn - Bed of Daydreams

Selling the “Rights”

I’ve had a few of my images used in print by media houses before, most free of cost, but a few (which can be read as just more than a couple) I have actually been paid for, one was a nominal fee, once was a fair but cheap price and recently, a very fair and unexpected fee from a reputable regional magazine.  This article is just to share a little of what I have learnt along the way

In recent weeks, with the approaching Christmas Season, we’ve been asked by many of our members about “selling their photos” for use in items such as Corporate Calendars,  Greeting Cards, or even media publication.  So we thought that now would be a good time to clear up some of the confusion and shed some light.  It also makes a good follow up to Dwayne Hackett’s “Making Money From Your Photography”.   This is not meant just to answer the questions for this “Season” but for future reference as well.

Some of us take photographs and keep them to ourselves, for our own pleasure and to share among family and friends. Some of us tend to try and get our work out there, for others to see and admire.  If your work is out there, you may be asked at some point if you would permit your image to be used for one purpose or another, whether it is to beautify a web-page, be included in a new article, or even as the cover image of a magazine.

Many of us starting out would jump at the chance to have our work printed in a well-known newspaper or publication, and starting out, we would even let it be done for free, just to see it in print.  I think (and I know many who share my opinion) if someone thinks that your photograph is worth using, then it’s also worth some money in your pocket.

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Q&A with Khadija Benn

Khadija Benn, who has stunned many on the Guyana Photographers’ Facebook Group, around the country and around the Caribbean, with her unusual portraiture work, takes questions from the group in this, our second, Q&A article on the site.

Q   Khadija, tell us about your first experiences with creating photography. How did it all start?


It was fortuitous. I cannot say that I had any particular interest in photography in the past. Basically, one old years night I tried taking pictures of fireworks and I realized I didn’t know how to take a decent picture. On the first day of 2010 I ordered a new point and shoot camera, and began to read articles on beginners’ photography. Continue reading

Making Money From Your Photography

A Feature Article by Dwayne Hackett

-Consider trading the fruits of your passion to finance more of your passion.

Let us say you are a serious, passionate amateur photographer. Your photography skills are steadily improving and as you proudly show your creations to your friends (and maybe the world), you get kind comments and “oohs” and “ahhs”. Sooner or later you’re going to get the request from someone who is interested in your photography and who would like to buy one or some of your creations, or even want you to create some photography for them. You might politely decline or you might accept the opportunity. Continue reading

Bloody Murder – The Story behind the Photo

The Story behind “Bloody Murder” from the Guyana Photographers’ Facebook Page.

One of the greatest things about a photograph is that each person will always have their own interpretation of it and a different feeling about the image. This particular composition that I put together, with great difficulty I might add, was perhaps the most risky thing I have done thus far in my photography endeavours. However, being a hobbyist with a dSLR and a rather vivid imagination, risks should be something routine to me – I assure you, it is not.

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Sepia-toned Afternoon – The Story behind the Photo

Every photographer has that particular place he loves to go, that place where he’s most at peace: the place where his favourite subjects are. This place can be a park to get pictures of flora and fauna or his own home to take pictures of his family, friends or even his children.
In my case, my place of choice, by pure circumstance, was my grandmother’s garden.

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Q&A with Fidal Bassier

Fidal Bassier of 55 Photography, and the creator of the Facebook Group Guyana Photographers, takes questions from the group in this our first Q&A article on the site.

Do you talk to the couple to get a feel for them before doing any photography? Or do you avoid talking to them to avoid any preconceptions?


For wedding couples, I try as much as possible to meet with them before their wedding day and do a pre-wedding shoot. It helps me to get a feel for them, what they are comfortable with and what

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