Sepia-toned Afternoon – The Story behind the Photo

Every photographer has that particular place he loves to go, that place where he’s most at peace: the place where his favourite subjects are. This place can be a park to get pictures of flora and fauna or his own home to take pictures of his family, friends or even his children.
In my case, my place of choice, by pure circumstance, was my grandmother’s garden.

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Q&A with Fidal Bassier

Fidal Bassier of 55 Photography, and the creator of the Facebook Group Guyana Photographers, takes questions from the group in this our first Q&A article on the site.

Do you talk to the couple to get a feel for them before doing any photography? Or do you avoid talking to them to avoid any preconceptions?


For wedding couples, I try as much as possible to meet with them before their wedding day and do a pre-wedding shoot. It helps me to get a feel for them, what they are comfortable with and what

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A speck of beauty amidst the drudgery

Reposted from Khan’s Chronicles  |  JUNE 15, 2012 · 3:57 PM

Amidst the drudgery of existence in Guyana is something different. It is innocuous and beautiful. A growing group of young Guyanese photography enthusiasts is documenting contemporary (I cannot bring myself to use the word ‘modern’) Guyana. Through their lens, both of the camera and mind, they capture life and landscape in alluring, Continue reading

Hummingbird – The Story behind the Photo

As we make our way onto a structured format for the “article” types of ideas for the Guyana Photographers’ Group, we are pleased to have Ryan Beharry give us his story behind the “Hummingbird” shot that is in the Wildlife album on the group here.

Ryan has graciously consented to write   it, and we are happy to give you the Story behind the Photo.

I was on a camping trip with my family at the intermediate savannah, Berbice, Guyana.  We were liming and making jokes when I saw a humming bird fly across and went into the bushes.  Armed with my camera and tripod I followed in the direction it flew.  Continue reading